Merci Alice !

C’est ma petite nièce adorée qui m’a fait le plaisir de souffler la première bougie de la boutique ce week-end. Un double merci à toi parce qu’après tout et sans le vouloir, c’est grâce à toi que cette belle aventure a vu le jour …

  1. Mouais, souffler une telle bougie sans porter du Presque Parfait, c’est un peu comme une Keynote Apple sans Steve Jobs…

  2. Benjamin

    C’est vrai que c’est pas très corporate …

  3. Pat

    N’empêche qu’elle est trop mignone alors merci Alice !

  4. Bon anniversaire et bon courage pour la suite !
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    Business Solutions including all features. Empirical results of the conditional variance of Bitcoin on its previous information and the S&P 500. To be sure, none of these arguments are particularly novel. And Bitcoin has many drawbacks. Among them: Its price instability makes it unsuitable for one of the prime functions of money–a medium of exchange. Mining Bitcoin is also environmentally costly, resulting in carbon emissions similar to those of small countries. And governments that view Bitcoin as a threat to their monetary sovereignty and policies–notably China–are restricting its use. © 2018-2022 All rights reserved. The US Treasury has emphasized an urgent need for crypto regulations to combat global and domestic criminal activities. In December 2020, FINCEN proposed a new cryptocurrency regulation to impose data collection requirements on cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets. The rule is expected to be implemented by Fall 2022, and would require exchanges to submit suspicious activity reports (SAR) for transactions over $10,000 and require wallet owners to identify themselves when sending more than $3,000 in a single transaction.

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